
January 10, 2020
What are the risks of losing weight too fast

What are you afraid?

The real fears A recent and extremely important discovery shows, beyond any doubt and for the first time, that excess weight is responsible for 20% of cancers in women, including breast cancer. * Obesity is responsible for the epidemic of type 2 diabetes. Overweight is responsible for 30% of cardiovascular […]
June 5, 2020
How to lose belly fat

What pleasure do I get out of being fat? 

 I have a weight problem. (Even if I am trying not to think about it).  I know that it’s not good for my health. (Even if I am trying not to think about it).  And I am doing nothing to improve the situation. (Because I am trying to convince myself […]
September 16, 2020

Be human

Weight loss, when focused solely on changes in eating behaviour, lower caloric intake, and a reduction in certain types of popular foods, is difficult to maintain over the long term. The focus should not be on food alone, but rather integrate healthy eating with other appropriate lifestyle changes that lead, […]
November 4, 2020

Weight loss = Prevention of heart disease = Prevention of cancer

You already know that eating well can help you lose weight and keep it off, but did you know that the same program can cut the risk of the two most serious diseases in North America in half? Research conducted by Drs. De Lorgeril and Simopoulos have shown that you […]
December 1, 2020

The miracle diet

Imagine a medication or injection that would suppress your appetite, give you a feeling of well-being, make you lose weight quickly and help you maintain your weight. Well, it exists! It’s a low-calorie, low carbohydrate and protein diet. It is completely natural, without unhealthy side effects. Recent research confirms that […]
March 30, 2022

Third commandment: Lose weight quickly

Third commandment: Lose weight quickly « Early treatment response as a predictor of ongoing weight loss in obesity treatment, British Journal of Health Psychology, November 2005. »   Looking for the predictive factors of successful weight loss? Here the the 4 factors: rapid weight loss quick change of habits regular follow-up high […]